related Results
hopes (n.) , [sing. a hope]
to raise hopes (v.) , {in}
to raise hopes (v.) , {in}
to set hopes on (v.) , {great}
to set one's hopes on (v.) , {pin, attach, hang, base, ground}
to indulge (v.)
to indulge (v.)
راعى {خاطِرَهُ}
to indulge (v.)
to indulge (v.)
to indulge (v.) , [ indulged ; indulged ]
to indulge (v.) , [ indulged ; indulged ]
to indulge (v.) , [ indulged ; indulged ]
to indulge (v.) , [ indulged ; indulged ]
to indulge (v.) , {in}